Nematodes of the genus Setaria viborg, 1795 Filariina setaridae), the parasites of the animals of uzbekistan morphological and molecular approaches to their differentiation.

Russian Journal of  Parasitology
UDK 619:616.995.132-079.4
Article history:
Received 24.09.2015
Accepted 24.11.2015
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Nematodes of the genus Setaria viborg, 1795 (Filariina setaridae), the parasites of the animals of uzbekistan morphological and molecular approaches to their differentiation


Azimov D.A. 1, Saparov K.A. 2, Akramova F.D. 1, Kuchboyev A.E. 1, Gaipova M.E. 3, Golovanov V.I. 1, Shakarbayev U.A. 1


1 Institute of Gene Pool of Plants and Animals, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan  232 Bogishamol Str., Tashkent 100053, Uzbekistan  E-mail:

2Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan

3Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan 




Objective of research:  The purpose of the research is to study the species diversity of nematodes of the genus Setaria, the character of their distribution among the animals of Uzbekistan and morphologic and genetic approaches to their differentiation.  

Material and methods. The mature forms of nematodes of the genus Setaria were studied with the use of the light microscopy method. The morphologic and molecular genetic testing of the species S. equina and S. labiatopapillosa was carried out with the use of common methods. Specimens of Setaria were taken from horses and cattle for the experiment.   

Results and discussion:  The mammals of Uzbekistan were recorded to be infected with 5 species of Setaria, which inhabited the abdominal cavity of the animals. The species under study (S. equina и S. labiatopapillosa) demonstrated almost the same morphological character; the limits of the morphological character’s variability almost coincided, except for the size of the spicules. The molecular genetic methods proved to be the most reliable methods of differentiation.  

Key words: Setaria, nematodes, molecular biology, rDNA, ITS, Uzbekistan.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
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