Trematodes of the genus diplostomum: fauna of cercariae and metacercariae, features of their distribution and ecology in the Syrdarya river basin.

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Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2017, V. 39, Iss. 1
DOI: 10.17513/np.262
Received: 30.09.2016
Accepted: 10.03.2017




Safarova F. E., Shakarboev E. B., Shakarbaev U. A., Akramova F. D., Azimov D. A.

Institute of the Gene Pool of Plants and Animals, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100053, Bogishamol Str., 232, e-mail: feruzasafarova@mail,ru



Objective of research: A study of the fauna and ecology of cercariae and metacercariae of the genus
Diplostomum in the main reservoirs in the northeast of Uzbekistan.

Materials and methods. This paper is based on the results of the study of the fauna and ecology of cercariae and metacercariae of the genus Diplostomum in the Syrdarya river basin (within Uzbekistan). Cercariae and metacercariae were investigated by the most common methods of trematodology.

Results and discussion. The results of this study revealed that cercariae of the genus Diplostomum were found only in mollusks Lymnaea inhabiting different types of water bodies of the investigated region.

Infestation of mollusks with parthenia and cercariae D. helveticum was observed in L. stagnalis – 1,5 %, L. auricularia – 1,3 %. The infection rate of cercariae D. spathaceum was in L. stagnalis, L. auricularia,

L. peregra – 0,7 %, L. corvus – 0,5 %.

The last species was described as a new host for D. spathaceum. Original data on the morphology and biology of cercariae D. helveticum and D. spathaceum developing in mollusks of the genus Lymnaea fauna in Uzbekistan, are presented. In the surveyed water bodies numerous species of Cypriniformes were infected with metacercariae of D. helveticum and D. spathaceum.

Keywords: trematodes, freshwater mollusks, fauna, ecology, Diplostomum, cercariae, metacercariae, fish, birds.


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