Dynamics of hematological indices in pigs post treatment by Dehelm-16.

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Dynamics of hematological indices in pigs post treatment by Dehelm-16.

Lutfullin M.H., Lutfullina N.A., Mavlichanov R.F., Nikiforov P.G. Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.

Summary. In pigs spontaneously infected by Ascaris suum one noted restoration of some hematological indices which had changed as a result of infection. Actually the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin level, speed of erythrocyte sedimentation, number of leukocytes returned to norm on 15 day post treatment by Dehelm-16. In control infected pigs erythrocyte number and hemoglobin level remained on low values and they showed increase of the speed of erythrocyte sedimentation, leukocytosis and increased proportion of eosinophils.