The collected scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific Conference "Theory and practice of parasitic disease control" have been published since 2000. Each issue is assigned an international ISBN and a DOI. This collection is indexed in the RSCI, CyberLeninka, CABI, and Google Academy.
Scientific papers presented at the Conference cover a wide range of issues, the research results of which are important both for fundamental science and for practice. A large number of papers are devoted to monitoring an epizootic, epiphytotic and epidemic situation on parasitic diseases of humans, farm livestock and domestic animals, and plants; and to the study and clarification of formed parasite fauna of farm livestock and wild animals, birds, and fish in the changed current conditions subject to ecological features in various regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. Results are highlighted of the research on creation and comprehensive study of new chemotherapeutic drugs to control parasitic diseases.
Organizing Committee:
Uspensky A. V. (Chairperson) – Head of Research Area, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
Arisov M. V. – Branch Manager, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Arkhipov I. A. – Deputy Branch Director for Science, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
Indyuhova E. N. (Secretary) - Deputy Director for Innovations, Candidate of Biological Sciences