Editorial Policies

Retracted Articles

When submitting the article the author accepts standards of publication ethics.

Authors are expected to adhere to the ethical guidelines; infractions ethical guidelines may result in the application of sanctions by the Editor(s), including but not limited to the suspension or revocation of publishing privileges.

In the case if the Editor(s) receives alert to plagiarism or duplicate publication, or if the publication contains unethical information, the Editor can consider the necessity of the paper’s retraction.

The Editor(s) act in accordance with the rules presented by the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP).

The process of retraction includes:

1) An author, reader, reviewer, editor or publisher alerts the Editorial Team of the case of misconduct.

2) The Editorial Board considers and checks this information and make a decision to retract the paper or not. If the paper is to be retracted, the Editor notices the author mentioning the reasons and basis for the retraction.

3) Notices of retraction appear both in the print and electronic versions of the Journal.

4) The paper is retracted from all bibliographic databases, where the Journal is indexed and abstracted.