Process of article peer-review


in the Russian Journal of Parasitology 

All articles submitted to Editorial Board are registered in a special journal. The Editorial Board performs a peer-review process to ensure whether the article meets the thematic requirements (parasitological subject only) and editing rules. 

After registration the articles are forwarded to reviewing with PhD or ScD degree, who is a recognized expert with profound knowledge and experience in the particular scientific field; the peer-review term is indicated. Peer-reviews are prepared in a written form; they should contain a recommendation to the editors to publish the paper or to revise it and re-review after the improvement, or to reject the paper with a motivation.

Peer-reviewed articles of each issue are discussed from Editorial Board that makes a final decision whether the articles with related referee's comments could be published. The Editorial Board makes a  decision: to publish articles without changes, to publish articles with correction and changes suggested by a referee or editor (agreed with author); to send an article to author with request to improve it due to essential deviation from requirements or due to important reasonable notes of the referee, lack of novelty, low methodic level; also to reject the article if it doesn't meet the requirements for structure, style, form, subject, in case of identical publication in another edition, and if statistical processing of data is not available. Article is considered as accepted for publishing if a positive peer-review and support of majority of members of Editorial Board working in the same field like author are available. Order and priority of publication are determined depending on the volume of published materials and a list of headings in each particular issue. Peer-reviews of manuscripts with related referee's comments are submitted to authors for getting acquainted with the alterations and revising the article. If the article is rejected to be published in the journal a copy of peer-review with a written motivated reject is sent to author. Authors reserve the right to improve the article or to replace it with other materials.

Editorial Board