Effectiveness of supramolecular anthelmintic complexes applied under working conditions for treatment of gastrointestinal strongylatosis in sheep

Russian Journal of Parasitology
Article history:
Received 01.10.2014
Accepted 14.01.2015
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Effectiveness of supramolecular anthelmintic complexes applied under
working conditions for treatment of gastrointestinal strongylatosis in sheep

A. I. Varlamova1, V. A. Dolgoshev2, K. M. Sadov2, E. E. Belova1, I. I. Glamazdin1, S. S. Halikov3, Yu. S. Chistyachenko4, A. V. Dushkin4, S. D. Durdusov5,
I. A. Arkhipov1
1All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of fundamental and applied
parasitology of animals and plants
117218, Moscow, B. Cheremushkinskaya str., 28, e-mail: arkhi-pov@vniigis.ru
2 Samara Research Veterinary Station, e-mail: samnivs@mail.ru
3 A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS)
119991, Moscow, Vavilov str., 28, e-mail: salavatkhalikov@mail.ru
4 Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS
630128, Novosibirsk, 18, Kutateladze str., e-mail: dushkin@solid.nse.ru
5 Moscow Academy of Economics and Law, Kalmyk Branch
Elista, 5 Gorodovokov str., e-mail: durdusov@mail.ru


Effectiveness of a supramolecular nanotech-based Albendazole – Fenbenda-zole complex has been tested using the Drug Delivery System. Tests for efficacy of new drugs Albendazole and Fenbendazole were conducted on 37 sheep spontaneously infected with Nematodirus sp. and other gastrointestinal strongylates in agricultural farm «Leninsky Put’» located in Pestravsky district of Samara region. The supramolecular Albendazole – Arabinogalactan complex at a dose of 1,0 mg/kg of active ingredient and the base Albendazole at a dose of 10 mg/kg have shown a 100 % effectiveness. Albendazole – Chitosan complex has shown a 87,5 % extenseffectiveness and a 98,4 % reduction in number of nematode eggs in feces. The effectiveness of supramolecular Fenbendazole – polymer complex was lower.
Keywords: sheep, gastrointestinal strongylatosis, supramolecular complex, Albendazole, Fenbendazole, Arabinogalactan, effectiveness.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
This is an open access article under the Agreement of 02.07.2014 (Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)) and the Agreemnt of 12/06/2014 (CABI org / Human Sciences section)