Results of helminthological examinations of wild hoofed animals after using the praparation ivirsalt at nematodosis (National Park «Losiny Ostrov», Moscow)

Russian Journal of Parasitology
Article history:
Received 06.11.2014
Accepted 14.01.2015
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Results of helminthological examinations of wild hoofed animals after using the praparation ivirsalt at nematodosis (National Park «Losiny Ostrov», Moscow)

N. A. Samoylovskaya
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K. I. Skryabin, 117218, Russia, 28 B. Cheremushkinskaya St., e-mail:


As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed animals. The therapeutic efficacy of new anthelmintic drug Ivirsalt used for treatment of nematodosis in wild hoofed animals was tested on 120 dappled deer, 7 elks and 1 roe deer in national Park «Losiny Ostrov». Ivirsalt are briquettes (licks) with a mass of 5 kg containing the active ingredient ivermectine and sodium chloride in the proportion 0,1 : 99,9. Salt lick briquettes were put in the feed-troughs on feeding places and saline soils based on the average daily salt consumption. The preparation was given with-in 14 days taking into account that the animals approach salt lick briquettes not less that 1 time a week. To determine the efficacy of preparation by the method of coproscopy the fecal samples are collected before and every 10 days after distribution of salt lick briquettes. Standard life-time and post-mortem helminthological examinations of animals (coproovoscopy, K. I. Skryabin method of full post-mortem helminthological examination, 1928) are used. The research results show that the intensity of gastrointestinal nematode infections in dappled deer aged 1,5 to 3 years has decreased by 5,4 times, in deer older by 3 years – by 3,1 times.
Keywords: specially protected natural sites of Russia, elks, dappled deer, roe deer, helminthosis, salt lick briquettes, anthelmintic, Ivirsalt, treatment, efficacy.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
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