Elaboration of new methods for decontamination of fish and fish products from metacercariae of Opisthorchis felineus Rivolta, 1884

Russian Journal of Parasitology

Article history:
Received   02.06.2015
Accepted 02.09.2015
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Pelgunov A. N.
Center of  Parasitology, Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS,
119071, Moscow, Russia, 33 Leninsky prosp., e-mail: apelgunov@list.ru



Objective of research: elaboration of effective and energy-efficiency methods for the decontamination of fishes of the larvae of Opisthorchis both in industrial and domestic environment.

Materials and methods: In the experiment we used orfes (nerflings) spontaneously infected with Opisthorchis felineus metacercariae. Vacuum treatment, electrodynamic shock vibration, ultrasonic irradiation, and microwave radiation were used for treatment of fish infected with opisthorchids.  O. felineus metacercariae were identified by artificial digestion method. The viability of metacercariae was determined according to the preservation of morphological structure of  metacercariae, their mobility, excystation of larvae using the trypsin-bile salt excystation method (experimental infestation of golden hamster and white outbreed mice).

Results and discussion:  In was determined that O. felineus metacercariae are resistant to vacuum, electrodynamic shock vibration and ultrasound mostly due to the structure of their capsule.

Even when using the microwave we can observe the total decontamination of fish of Opisthorchis metacercariae.

Keywords: opisthorchiasis, microwave radiation, vacuum, electrodynamic shock vibration, ultrasonic irradiation, fish.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin.
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