The immunotoxic properties of Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi

Russian Journal of Parasitology

Article history:
Received   05.05.2015
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Semenova   M. V., Kurochkina  K. G.
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin, 117218 Russia, 28 B. Cheremushkinskaya St,



Objective of research: Determination of possible immunotoxic properties of Aversect Forte (Ivermectin + Abamectin) and Aversect Combi (Ivermectin + Aversectin С).

Materials and methods: The immunotoxic properties of Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi were studied using the agglutination test and delayed hypersensitivity response.

Mice were injected subcutaneously twice daily with the drug at a therapeutic dose 0,05 ml/ind.  In each experimental group, there were 7–10 mice of the line СВА × С57BL/6 with the mass of 18–20 g.  The control group received solvent injections. 

The effect of the drugs on antibody formation was determined by hemagglutination reaction on the background of immunization of mice with sheep erythrocytes.   Agglutinin titres were detected by a direct micro-hemagglutination test along with the calculation of Reaction Index.

The effect of drugs on the T-cell immunity in vivo was estimated using the delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to sheep erythrocytes.  

Mice were immunized with the 3% suspension of sheep erythrocytes injected into the abdomen simultaneously with the recent injection of the tested drug.  

Results and discussion: The administration of tested drugs didn’t have a suppressive effect on serogenesis in mice from experimental groups – 7,7±0,21 and  7,4±0,22 (log2) in comparison to the controls – 8,0±0,0 (log2); Reaction Index was 0,96–0,93, respectively.


The administration of Aversect Forte may cause a slight decrease in induction of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in mice in comparison with the controls: 7,10±0,57  and 10,71±1,95 %, respectively.

 Regardless of slight decrease in inflammation index (up to 9,07±2,51 %), when using Aversect Combi at the therapeutic dose, this difference is uncertain statistically in relation to the control values.

Keywords: Aversect Forte,   Aversect Combi, immunotoxicity,   delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction, antibody formation,  hemagglutination reaction.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin.
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