Biodiversity of gastrointestinal helminths in regional sheep breeds of the mountain area of kabardino-balkaria and their epizootological characteristics

Russian Journal of Parasitology
Article history:
DOI: 10.12737/16655
Received 16.02.2015
Accepted 24.11.2015
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Bittirov  A.M. 1, Kabardiev S. Sh.2,  Samoylovskaya  N.A. 3, Berezhko V. K. 3,
Khaydarova  A. A.3, Begiev  S. J. 1, Bittirova  A.A. 1, Musaev Z.G.2
1 Kabardino-Balkaria State Agricultural University named after V.M Kokov, 360030, Russia, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik, 9/68 Vatutin St., e-mail:
2 Prikaspiysky Zonal Research and Development Institute of Veterinary Science, Russia, Republic of  Dagestan, Makhachkala, 88 Dahadaev St., e-mail:
3 All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin, 117218 Russia, 28  B. Cheremushkinskaya St.,


Objective of research. Objective the objective is to study the species composition of gastrointestinal helminths, the structural organization of helminthocenosis of the zoned breeds of sheep and local breeding in the mountain area of  Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Materials and methods. Studying species composition of gastrointestinal helminths, the structural organization of helminthocenosis of the zoned breeds of sheep and local breeding in the mountain area of Kabardino-Balkaria in 2014-2015 conducted in 60 households in 4 areas using generally accepted in helminthology methods.

Results and discussion. In the mountain area of Kabardino-Balkaria, the sheep of North-Caucasian meat and wool breed, and locally adapted breeds of sheep were infected with 28 gastrointestinal helminth types; the sheep of Karachaev rough wool breed - with 23 helminth types. Sheep of North-Caucasian meat and wool breed were most infected with gastrointestinal helminths (extensity of infection was from 3, 9 to 44, 5%); sheep of local breeds were moderately infected (extensity of infection was from 1, 3 to 24,0%); a low infection level was observed in sheep of Karachaev rough wool breed ( extensity of infection was  from 0 to 10,3%).

It was found, that in sheep of regional breeds the gastrointestinal nematodes of species Ostertagia (5 types),  Oesophagostomum (1 type), Nematodirus (6 types), Nematodirella            (1 type), Bunostomum (2 types), Trichostrongylus (5 types), Haemonchus (1 type), Chabertia    (1 type), Trichocephalis (2 types) - total 24 types, quantitatively prevailed upon intestinal cestodes of species Moniezia (2 types), Avitellina (1 type), Tyzaniezia (1 type) - total 4 types.

 The most prevalent gastrointestinal helminth complex in locally adapted breeds of sheep in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria is represented by six nosological entities.

The highest extensity of infection (EI) - 23,64% and intensity of infection (II) - 893,8±62,4 examples per head was observed at helminthocenosis in sheep «Ostertagia ostertagi +                O.circumcincta + Nematodirella longispiculata + Nematodirus helvitianus +                                N.spathiger + Nematodirus filicollis+ Oesophagostomum radiatum + Bunostomum trigonocephalum + Trichostrongylus columbriformis +  Haemonchus contortus +  Chabertia ovina + Trichostrongylus axei + Ttichuris=Trichocephalis ovis».

Keywords: Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, mountain area, sheep, breed, worms, fauna, species, area, structure, infection, extensity, intensity. 


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin.
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