Parascaris equorum (goeze, 1782) egg production in the body of the horse in different seasons

Russian Journal of  Parasitology
UDK 619:616.995.132.2
Article history:
Received  19.01.2015
Accepted  04.07.2015 
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Hasanova  R.I.

Chechen State University,364097, Grozny, 32 Sheripov st., e-mail:


The seasonal dynamics of Parascaris equorum egg production in the body of  horses has been studied. The experiments were conducted during each season on 5 horses casted out and infected with P. Equorum

The number of eggs Parascaris equorum in 1 g of feces, the total daily fecal output  and the number of  females  P. Equorum after animal slaughtering were registered, and the  fertility of female nematodes calculated.

Different P. equorum egg production in different seasons was reported. The maximum P. equorum egg production was registered in summer in July (13875±125,6 eggs/day), and in autumn in October (13012±124,5 eggs/day).

A high fertility of P. equorum resulted in massive contamination of pastures and distribution of parascaridosis in horses in conditions of Chechen Republic.

Keywords: horse, Parascaris equorum, egg production, season, Chechen Republic.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
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