Pathogenic effect of trematodes and their associations on the host’s body

Russian Journal of Parasitology
UDC 619:616.995.122
Article history:
Received  12.05.2015
Accepted 24.11.2015
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Pathogenic effect of trematodes and their associations on the host’s body 

Mkrtchan  M. E. 1, Movsesyan S. O.2,3
1 Izhevsk State Agricultural, Russia, 426069 Izhevsk, 11 Studencheckaya St., е-mail:
2 Center of Parasitology of Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS named after A. N. Severtsov, 119071 Moscow, 33 Leninsky prosp., e-mail:
3  Institute of Zoology at Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA, Armenia, 0014 Yerevan, 7 P. Sevak St., e-mail: tereza



Objective of research: a study of hematological values of spontaneously invaded bull calves at mono- and mixt fluke infection.

Materials and methods:

Blood of bull calves infected with helminths and intact bull calves at the age of 12–16 was investigated. Bull calves were divided into 4 groups (5 heads in each) based on the results of carpological examinations. Animals of the first group were spontaneously infected with fascioles, second – with dicrocoeliums, third – with both fascioles and dicrocoeliums.

Bull calves from the forth group served as intact controls. After that, the animals have been slaughtered what enabled to confirm diagnosis using K.A. Skryabin method of helminthological most-mortem examination.

 Results and discussion:

Changes in hematological values of bull calves at mono- and mixt invasions by trematodes were determined. In addition, the number of blood erythrocytes authentically decreased by 1,4±0,31–2,77±0,2 × 1012/l, in particular at invasion with fascioles – by 23,61 %, with dicrocoeliums- 18,06, at their association -  by 35,74 %.

 Hemoglobin concentration is significantly lower than the physiological norm, and in comparison with the blood values of intact control animals decreases by 1,44–1,6 times.

Changes observed in the leukogram are specific for regenerative shift of nucleus, which is the index of bone marrow activity and the presence of inflammatory processes.

This is verified by the calculated index of nucleus shift which at invasion by liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) is 0,24 (low level invasion), and in case of invasion by trematode Dicrocoelium lanceatum and the association with Fasciola hepatica, reaches 0,37–0,48 and serves as a factor of an average invasion rate.

Keywords: trematodes, association, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, index of nucleus shift 


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of  Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. 
This is an open access article under the Agreement of 02.07.2014 (Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)) and the Agreemnt of 12/06/2014 (CABI org / Human Sciences section)