To epizootic situation in cattle echinococcosis in the foothill zone of the Northern Caucasus.

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To epizootic situation in cattle echinococcosis in the foothill zone
of the Northern Caucasus


A.I. Tokhaeva, F.I. Kishtikova, A.Z. Bidjiev, B.M. Shipshev, I. Kh. Shakhbiev, R.B. Bersanukaeva, Kh. Kh. Shakhbiev, S. Sh. Mantaeva, A.M. Bittirov


In private households of foothill zone of the North Caucasus tapeworm infection in cattle varies from 25,7 % to 36,4 % with a mean intensity of infection of 23,0±1,9 larva. The vast majority of cows infected with Echinococcus granulosus are registered in the village Gerpegezh (36,4 %).

Keywords: echinococcosis, Echinococcus granulosus, infection, cattle, foothill zone, the North Caucasus.