Distribution cryptosporidiosis of cattle in farms of a mountain zone of Dagestan

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Distribution cryptosporidiosis of cattle in farms of a mountain zone of Dagestan

S.Sh. Abdulmagomedov
сandidate of biologic sciences
Caspian zonal research veterinary institute, 367000, Makhachkala, Dakh- adayeva St., 88, ph. 8 (722)67-94-65, e-mail: pznivi05@mail.ru
V.F. Nikitin
doctor of veterinary sciences, professor
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Helmintology named after
K.I. Skryabin,
117218, Moscow, B. Cheremushkinskaya, 28, e-mail: vigis@ncport.ru

Cryptosporidiosis in the republic of Dagestan is widely spread. Digestive tract diseases followed by severe debilitating diarrhea, cachexy, growth retardation, de- velopment delay, reduction of body resistance to other diseases causing cattle mor- tality are often registered in offspring of cattle in life-stock farms. Calf mortality in certain farms reaches a level of 40 % and can exceed it. Spread and composition of the Cryptosporidium species in cattle were studied in 2010–2012 in 16 farms, 13 areas in a mountain zone of Dagestan. In each farm calves between 7 and 30 days, offspring – between 6 months and 2 years of age and adult stock-weak and debili- tated animals with expressed gastroenteritis are examined. It is found that cryptos- poridiosis in cattle of a mountain zone is being registered during a winter-spring season (February –April). Cryptosporidium oocysts are detected in excrements of calves in the age of 6–7 days. In farms of a mountain zone of Dagestan two species of Cryptosporidium – C. parvum и C.muris in cattle are found. Spread of cryptos- poridiosis is caused due to lack of veterinary and sanitary supervision as well as bad housing conditions of cattle.

Keywords: Dagestan, mountain zone, cattle, spread, Cryptosporidium parvum,C. muris.