Comparative assessment of efficiency quantitative methods of coproovoscopy

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Comparative assessment of efficiency quantitative methods of coproovoscopy

D.Yu. Derkachev
V.A. Orobets
doctor of veterinary sciences
I.V. Zaichenko
PhD in veterinary sciences
Stavropol State Agricultural University

The comparative assessment of efficiency of the coprologic methods of diagnosis of helminthosis is given: MakMaster, Kotelnikov–Hrenov and Mini Parasep concentrator at an artificial laying of eggs in feces. The description of these methods of diagnostics is in detail provided. It isn't established differences in efficiency of methods of MakMaster and Kotelnikov–Hrenov with use of the calculating chamber which appeared more effective, than the Mini Parasep concentrator. At a laying of 20 expl. of eggs of helminths in 1 g of feces of egg aren't found in 60 % of tests by MakMaster's method, in 63 % – by method Kotelnikov–Hrenov and in 72 % – by Mini Parasep method. At concentration of 50 eggs in 1 g of feces Makmaster and Kotelnikov-Hrenov's method didn't find eggs in 36 % of tests, and by Mini Parasep method – in 42 % of tests. At concentration of 200 and 300 eggs in 1 g of feces eggs are found in tests by all three methods. Methods of researches of feces are more exact at concentration of 100 and more eggs in 1 g of feces. With increase of concentration of the eggs brought in feces efficiency of methods increased. The Mini Parasep method which showed efficiency in the presence of more than 200 eggs in 1 g of feces appeared less exact. Sensitivity of a method varied from 0 to 81 % depending on concentration of eggs in tests of feces that points to its insufficient efficiency. Existence of foreign particles in the studied tests of feces complicates research of tests and therefore some eggs of helminths can be not found.

Keywords: diagnostics, coproovoskopy, Makmaster's method, calculating chamber, Kotelnikov–Hrenov's method, Mini Parasep method, efficiency.