The efficacy of a new complex drug for treatment of fox otodectosis based on the data of histological skin examination

Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2016, V.35, Iss.1

DOI: …………………
Received  03.11.2015
Accepted 25.02.2016
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For citation:
Arisov M. V., Indyukhova Е. N., Antipov A.A. The efficacy of a new complex drug for treatment of fox otodectosis based on the data of histological skin examination. Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2016, V.35, Iss.1, pp.   


Arisov M. V., Indyukhova Е. N.1, Antipov A.A.2
1All-Russian scientific research Institute of fundamental and applied Parasitology animal and plant named K. I. Skryabin
117218, Russia, Moscow, B. Cheremushkinskaya st., 28, e-mail:;
2Moscow state Academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology named K. I. Skryabin
109472, Russia, Moscow, Academician Skryabin st., 23,


The parasitic disease such as octodectosis widely spread in our country as well as abroad may cause significant economic damage.
In fur farms of the Russian Federation the extensity of Otodectes cynotis infection is in the range from 35 to 85 % and in some farms reaches 100 %.

Objective of research: to determine the efficacy of a new drug produced on the basis of levofloxacin, clotrimazole, dexamethasone, moxidectin used for otodectosis in foxes and to identify by histological examination the effect of the composition of active ingredients on the inner skin surface of the ear in foxes with otodectosis.

Materials and methods: microscopic examination of scrapings was performed using abiotic research method of A. M. Priselkova. Histological sections were prepared according to the standard techniques. Morphometry was performed using the program ImageJ.

Results and discussion: the results of clinical and laboratory studies of foxes at ZAO «Saltykovsky» have revealed that the rate of Otodectes cynotis infection in adult stock was 73,7 %. No complications and side effects were observed during the treatment. The 100% efficacy of eardrops was confirmed by two acarological studies. The article presents the description of histological preparations of the inner surface of the ears of foxes before and after treatment for otodectosis. Positive morphological changes in the skin were revealed. The optimal microstructural organization of tissue has been restored after using the drug, in particular, the total skin thickness has been reduced by 2.2 times compared to the values provided from the group of sick animals (otodectosis). Thus, it was found that there is a tendency to the regeneration processes of skin in the inner surface of the auricle of treated animals.

: otodectosis; foxes; auricle; moxidectin; histology; morphometry.


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© 2015 The Author(s). Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin.
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