The phoresy of the louse Mallophaga on the population of the louse-fly Hippoboscidae.

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Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2016, V.38, Iss.4
DOI: ………………
Received 03.09.2016
Accepted 28.11.2016


Matyuhin A. V.
A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, 119071, Moscow, Leninsky Ave., 33, e-mail:


Objective of research:  To study the role of phoresy of the louse Mallophaga on the population of the louse-fly Hippoboscidae.

Material and methods: In 1997–2015 more than 10000 birds were caught; from them about 2000 louse-flies Hippoboscidae were collected and studied.

Results and discussion: 12 cases of phoresy of the louse Mallophaga on the louse-fly Hippoboscidae were recorded: 7 cases of phoresy of Columbicola columbae on pigeon louse flies  Pseudolynchia canariensis collected from pigeons (Columba livia); one case - phoresy of  the louse Ricinus rubeculae on the louse fly Orniyhomyia fringillina from  the robin (Erithacus rubecula); one case – phoresy of the louse on  the louse fly O. avicularia from the rook (Corvus frugilegus); one – phoresy of  the louse on louse fly O. avicularia   from the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus); one  – phoresy of  the louse on the louse fly Ornithoica turdi from the  nightingale (Luscinia luscinia); one case - phoresy of the louse on the louse fly O. chloropus  from Luscinia svecica.

Keywords:  phoresy, birds, louse, louse fly.


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