Species composition, biological features and prevalence of causative agents of cattle hypodermatosis in the Chechen Republic.

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Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2017, V.39, Iss.1
Received: 15.09.2015
Accepted: 10.03.2017


Vatsaev Sh.V.
Chechen State University, 364097, Grozny, 32 Sheripov St., e-mail: Chgu@mail.ru


Objective of research: A study of species composition, features of biology and prevalence of the causative agents of cattle hypodermatosis in different climate zones of the Chechen Republic.

Materials and methods:  Expedition and stationary observations were conducted in livestock farms and inhabited localities of the republic to study the epizootiology of hypodermatosis. Clinical trials were carried out by standard methods in eleven settlements located in plain, piedmont and mountains. Based on the clinical examination the diagnosis was made and the distribution of hypodermatosis estimated. During the research, the insect entrapment was conducted every ten days; insects were registered during the light-day: in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Results and discussion: Cattle hypodermatosis is spread everywhere, in the Chechen Republic. Two gadfly species were detected: Hypoderma bovis and H. lineatum. The number of H. bovis and H. lineatum in plain was 56,7 and 43,3 %; piedmont - 64,3  and 35,7%; mountains - 97,6 and 2,4 %, respectively.

In years with early spring, the gadfly flight begins in plain in the second decade of April; in piedmont and mountains – in the first and second decades of May. The major peaks in insect abundance were registered in the second-third decades of June; the gadfly flight was over in October (in plain), August – September (in piedmont and mountains). In years with early spring, the insect flight was registered in the second decade of May. In years with late spring, the first flight of insects was registered in the third decade of May, first – second decades of June. Later on, during the third decade of June and two decades of July, a reduced gadfly abundance was reported. The daily activity of gadflies depends on the air temperature and humidity. On sunny days, the gadfly flight was observed at temperature 7–9 °С, on cloudy days – at 13–15 °С. In summer, the highest daily activity of insects was reported from 8 a.m. to noon.

Keywords:  hypodermatosis, prevalence, daily activity, species composition, seasonal dynamics, temperature, environment.


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