Studies on immunotropic activity of the supramolecular complex of triclabendazole.

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Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2017, V.39, Iss.1
Received: 16.09.2016
Accepted: 10.03.2017



Milenina M. V., Kurochkina K.G., Musaev M. B.

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin, 117218 Russia, 28 B. Cheremushkinskaya St., e-mail:


The supramolecular complex of triclabendazole is a complex preparation based on triclabendazole with the water-soluble polysaccharide – arabinogalactan produced in impact grinders with the use of mechanochemical nanotechnology.

Objective of research:    To provide a preclinical assessment of immunotoxic properties of the supramolecular complex of triclabendazole used on laboratory animals.

Materials and methods: Two experiments were conducted on 60 male mice with the mass 18–20 g. to determine effects of the supramolecular complex of triclabendazole on humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. 20 mice received intragastric injection of preparation once at a therapeutic dose 30 mg/kg in 1% of starch gel; 20 mice at a tenfold dose - 300 mg/kg, and 20 mice served as controls and did not receive the preparation.  Then, all animals (60 ind.) were immunized once intraperitoneally with 0,5 ml of  3% suspension of sheep erythrocytes (antigen test) and divided into 6 groups (10 ind. in each). The effect of the drug on antibody formation was estimated by agglutination test in 30 mice. The antibody titre in blood serum was determined on the seventh day after immunization by a direct microhemagglutination assay. To compare the immune response in experimental and control groups, the index of drug effects was established. Effects of the drug on cell immunity were determined by the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. Experiment was carried out on 30 mice divided into three groups (10 ind. in each). Research was conducted according to the «Manual on experimental (preclinical) study of new pharmacological substances (2005)».

Results and discussion: Antibody titres in blood serum of control animals were 7,11±0,31 (log2). Peroral single administration of the tested drug at a therapeutic and tenfold dose did not cause any changes in agglutinin titres in blood serum of animals. Index of drug effects in the 1st and 2nd group was 1,04 and  1,12 respectively, which confirms the absence of negative effects  of the humoral immune response. Peroral single administration of the drug at a therapeutic dose 30 mg/kg and at a tenfold dose - 300 mg/kg inhibits the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in comparison to controls.

Inflammatory factors in animals from 1st and 2nd groups were 6,12±0,87 and 6,64±1,37 %, respectively; in control group  – 8,11±0,93 %, but this difference was not statistically significant (Р ≥ 0,05).

Keywords:     supramolecular complex, triclabendazole, arabinogalactan, sheep erythrocytes,   humoral and cell-mediated immune response, haemagglutination, delayed-type hypersensitivity, mice.


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© 2017 The Authors. Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. This is an open access article under the Agreement of 02.07.2014 (Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and the Agreement of 12.06.2014 ( / Human Sciences section: