Study of sanitary helminthological state of sand and soils from kindergartens and yard playgrounds.

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Russian Journal of Parasitology, 2017, V.40, Iss.2
Received: 09.11.2016
Accepted: 15.04.2017


Bagaeva U. V., Kachmazov G. S., Byazyrova А. T., Kokaeva F. F. Chel'dieva V. R.
North Ossetia State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, 362025, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz, 46 Vatutin St., e-mail:


Objective of research: The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of contamination of sand and soil samples infected with geohelminthes on the territory of preschools and playgrounds in Vladikavkaz.
Materials and methods: Sanitary-parasitological examination of sand and soil from playgrounds of 20 kindergartens and 10 playgrounds located in courtyards of multi-story buildings in Vladikavkaz was conducted. 100 and 50 samples were taken from these sites, respectively. The work was performed according to MUK 4.2.2661-10 «Methods of sanitary-parasitological research». Helminth eggs were detected by the methods of Pavlovsky (1959) and Kotelnikov (1991).
Results and discussion. We established a high degree of contamination of sandboxes and playgrounds with various helminth eggs. Helminth eggs were revealed in 64 of 150 sand and soil samples (42,67 %) with the average intensity of contamination from 2 to 24 ind/kg. 38,5 % of revealed helminth eggs were viable. In samples of soil and sand taken from preschools, 3 species of geohelminth eggs were detected: Ascaris spp. (13,0 %), Toxocara spp. (9,0 %) and Enterobius vermicularis (4,0 %). In samples of soil and sand taken from children's playgrounds 7 helminth species were found: Ascaris spp. (28,0 %), Toxocara spp. (22,0 %), E. vermicularis (12,0 %), Trichocephalus spp. (2,0 %), Hyminolepis spp. (4,0 %), Taenia spp. (2,0 %). For the first time, eggs of Schistosoma sp. were discovered in a soil sample from the playground, located on the territory of the military town «Holzman»; the intensity of contamination was up to 4 ind./kg. The results allow to conclude that parasitological parameters of soil and sand from some kindergartens and yard playgrounds do not meet hygienic standards, and represent a potential risk of infestation with parasitic diseases, in particular with geohelminthoses, for children, adults and staff of kindergartens.
Keywords: helminth eggs; parasitological monitoring; kindergartens; sanitation 


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© 2017 The Authors. Published by All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants named after K.I. Skryabin. This is an open access article under the Agreement of 02.07.2014 (Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and the Agreement of 12.06.2014 ( / Human Sciences section: