Research Directions
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plant – a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre VIEV” is a specialized scientific research institution dealing with the study of parasites in human, animals and plants as well as diseases caused by them.
Goals, objectives and types of activity of VNIIP – FSC VIEV
The Institute is focused on fundamental and applied studies, experimental design works, implementation of scientific achievements and advanced experience aimed at acquiring new knowledge in the field of parasitology.
The main research objectives of the Institute are: ensuring steady veterinary and phytosanitary wellbeing to prevent the occurrence of parasitic diseases in the country; increase in productivity of crops and livestock; improvement of food supply for the population of the country due to producing of livestock products of high biological and sanitary quality; protection of human health from parasitic zoonoses and environmental protection from causative agents of parasitosis.
The institution performs the following scientific activities:
- fundamental, basic and applied research in the following directions:
factors, mechanisms, patterns of formation and functioning of parasitic associations based on comprehensive studies on ecology, physiology, morphology, biology and genetics of causative agents of parasitic diseases in animals, birds and fish;
- elaboration of methods for control of parasitic diseases in natural and synanthropic foci in Russian Federation;
- development of scientific basis for technological forecasting of epizootological situation on parasitic diseases and impact on its structure and anthropogenic dynamics;
- research on species diversity of natural populations of causative agents of economically and socially important parasitoses in natural areas of preferential protection using the chromosome and genetics analysis techniques; elaboration of a complex of veterinary - sanitary, prevention and treatment measures for conservation of wildlife populations, studies on morphology, systematics and biology of parasites on the basis of the Helminthological Museum of the Institute;
- study on formation patterns of the parasite fauna in animals and discovery of circulation mechanisms of invasion processes in closed artificial ecosystems of large industrial livestock complexes;
- monitoring of contamination of the environment with wastes from large factory farms and elaboration of express- methods for sanitary-epidemiological assessment of different technologies applied for disinfection of manure and industrial sewage contaminated with parasitic agents;
- investigation of pathological processes of parasitic diseases;
- development of equipment and devices for veterinary – sanitary expertise to control zoonoses, new test-systems for life-time diagnostics and specific prophylactic remedies for parasitoses;
- study of cytotoxic effects of parasitic pathogens and their metabolites on the organism of animals;
- elaboration of biotechnologies and nano-biotechnologies for production of pharmaceutical preparations and methods for the treatment of parasitic diseases, elaboration of next-generation long term and targeted drug delivery systems based on micro- and nanoparticles.
- testing of pharmacologically active natural compounds and their analogs, elaboration of technologies for mechanical and microbiological separation of herbal raw material used for veterinary drugs and biological preparations for plant and animal protection against zoo- and phyto-pathogens.
- investigation of mechanisms of interactions between drugs and different low- and high-molecular substances and abiogenic nanoparticles, elaboration of methods for increasing efficacy of the immune system of animals in the struggle against parasitoses;
- study on pharmacokinetics of new antiparasitic agents and evaluation of their safety for organisms of humans and animals;
- elaboration of methods for monitoring and forecast of prevalence of nematophagous fungi in agrobiocenoses based on faunistic, zoogeographical, ecophysiological , population genetic and molecular studies; creation of system for protection of crops against phytonematodes;
- study on effects of phytopathogenic nematodes and phytotoxic metabolites on cell ultrastructure of plants with different physiological status, search for natural and synthetic agents inducing resistance in plants against phytopathogens;
- investigation of impact of different soil types on the spread of phytonematodes;
- optimization of diagnostics of plant phytonematodosis based on molecular and genetic analysis using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and other methods;
- elaboration, improvement and implementation of integrated systems for protection of animals and plants from parasitic diseases;
- clinical and field trials of new veterinary, biological and chemical preparations intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
- gathering, publishing and distribution of scientific papers, methodical recommendations, nonfiction works, catalogues, and other papers associated with research activities of the Institute;
- elaboration of technical, organizational and legal documentation;
- coordination of scientific studies in parasitology conducted at institutions of FASO RF (Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations) as well as at institutions and organizations of other ministries and departments with respect to programs and issues which the Institute as a leading organization is focused on;
- running basic higher education programs: postgraduate training programs for scientific-pedagogical staff, residency programs, basic job-training programs: training for workers and employees; advanced vocational training, retraining of personnel, additional professional programs.
- providing methodical assistance for persons preparing for defense of doctoral theses
- development of inventions, ensuring timely consideration and implementation of inventions, patenting inventions of the Institute in Russian Federation and abroad; arranging science events (conferences, seminars, meetings, symposia etc.),
- the Institute is entitled to provide commercial services related to its main scientific activities, to individuals and juridical persons; the amount of payment is determined in accordance with the procedure established by FASO RF (Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations), unless otherwise stipulated by the law of RF;
The priority research areas of the Institute are:
– study on regularities of formation and functioning of parasitic systems and their separate components in natural and agricultural biocenoses;
– development of monitoring and warning systems enabling access to the real-time information on changes of epizootic situation; working out extraordinary measures in case of exotic and poorly studied invasions in the Russian Federation when importing and exporting animals or livestock products;
– development of theoretical basis for prevention of parasitic diseases in farm animals, plants; improvement and implementation of integrated systems for protection of human, animals and plants from dangerous and economically important parasitic diseases using new methods for early diagnosis and prevention, based on recent advances in biotechnology, genetics, immunology;
– creation of principally new protection agents for crops and animals ensuring a high economic effect;
– human health protection from zoonoses and environmental protection from pollution by parasite agents;
– personnel training (PhD and Master’s Degree programs, training programs for specialists- parasitologists)
The solution of these problems allows to ensure the steady veterinary and phytosanitary wellbeing, increase crop and livestock productivity; produce food and food raw materials of animal origin with high biological value; fulfill the protection of human health and environment from parasitic zoonoses as well as to create stable economic conditions for development of the livestock sector in the country and for the social development of the village.