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All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plant – a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre VIEV”

Mikrosal (Microsalum)


The sale price of the medicinal product for 1 kg is 1,500 rub.

Microsalum is an antihelminthic drug for treatment of helminthic diseases of fish, the active substance is niclosamide.

The drug has a wide range of cestodocidal action on all phases of development of tapeworms parasitizing in the gastrointestinal tract of carp fish. 

The drug is a homogeneous, friable powder of grayish-yellow color, slightly soluble in water, available in packs of 0.5; 1.0; 5.0; 10.0; 20.0 kg. 

Microsalum is stored in a closed package of the manufacturer, in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, separately from food and feed, at temperatures from minus 20 oC to plus 30 oC. 

The shelf life of the drug under observance of storage conditions in a closed package is 2 years from the date of manufacture. 

By the degree of effect on the body, Microsalum belongs to low hazardous substances (Hazard Class 4 as per GOST 12.1.007-76), does not have any immunotoxic, sensitizing, embryotoxic and teratogenic effects.

Application Procedure.  Microsalum is used in a mixture with feed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in cestodosis of pond carp fish (botryocephalosis, caviosis and caryophyllosis).

The compound feed containing 2% Microsalum is used once without preliminary starvation diet by free group feeding.

The mixture of compound feed with Microsalum is prepared directly in the farm in accordance with the daily rate of fish. For this purpose, 98 kg of compound feed is loaded into any type of mixer, 2 kg of Microsalum are added and mixed thoroughly, then 25% of warm water are added and mixed thoroughly again. The resulting mixture of compound feed with the medicinal product should be dried in the air for 4-5 hours before use.

For prophylactic purposes, Microsalum is used twice a year: the first time within the period from the late April to early May and the second time within the period from the late August to early September at water temperature in the reservoir not higher than 15 °C. 

For therapeutic purposes, Microsalum is used at any time of the year in the detection of lesions of fish tapeworms. 

The compound feed containing 2% Microsalum is the only food for the fish for one day. 

Capture and use of commercial fish for food purposes is allowed not earlier than 20 days after deworming.

Download the Manufacturing Authorization for Microsalum

Download the Instructions for Veterinary Use of Microsalum

In 2014, the K.I. Skryabin’s VNIIP (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants) was awarded a gold medal for the development and manufacture of Microsalum, a medicinal product for veterinary use.